<<Back to Index Fancy That Greenware List - Half Dolls
984 CDC 454 Bathing Beauty, "Misshell" $10.00   Painted Painted 3"
985 CDC 598 Bathing Beauty, "Sanabel" Shell Tray $12.00   Painted Painted 2.25"
983 CDC 525 Bathing Beauty, "Sheshell Girl" $16.00   Painted Painted 4.5"
971 CDC 530 Bathing Beauty, Autumn Joy $18.00   Painted Painted 5"
972 CDC 519 Bathing Beauty, Galluba & Hoffman "Siren" $18.00   Painted Painted 4.5"
969 CDC 572 Bathing Beauty, Summer Twilight $18.00   Painted Painted 4.5"
760a Heinz HC-8249 Half Doll Standing Legs on Base $15.00       5.5"
286 Alberta 268 Half Doll w. Fan, High Collar $15.00 Pincushion Painted Painted 3.75"
287 Alberta 267 Half Doll w.Mirror,Arm Extends $16.00 Pincushion Painted Painted 3.75"


Half Doll, Elsa $12.00   Painted Painted 3"
987 CDC 588 Half Doll, Mary $12.00   Painted Painted 3.75"
1009 CDC 541 Half Doll, Seahorse Rider $8.00   Painted Painted 2.5"
986 CDC 589 Half Doll, Sybil $12.00   Painted Painted 3.75"
981 CDC 499 Half Doll, Tisha Top Knot $16.00   Painted Painted 3.75"
988 Mystic 288 Half Doll, 1920's Lamp Lady $18.00   Painted Painted 12"
760 Hienz HC-8484 Half Doll, Alberta w/Rose $16.00 Pincushion Painted Painted 5.5"
288 Alberta 266 Half Doll, Arms Up,Behing Head $14.00 Pincushion Painted Painted 3 5/8"
982 CDC 517 Half Doll, Bathing Beauty "Little Beauty" $12.00   Painted Painted 2.5"
183b Seeley L9651 Half Doll, Bent Legs $6.00        
976 LY122 Half Doll, Bonnie w/Pearls Arms Away $14.00   Painted Painted 4"
901 CDC 486 Half Doll, Carmen $18.00 Cloth Painted Painted 4.75"
843a Seeley S655 Half Doll, Carmen $16.00 Pincushion Painted Painted 4"
722 HC-8417 Half Doll, Carole $17.00 Pincushion Painted Painted 5"
809 CDC 511 Half Doll, Curl w/Arms $20.00        
874 Seeley SC-284 Half Doll, Deco Faces (3) $8.00       2.5"
661 S653 Half Doll, Diana w. arms $16.00 Cloth 4 mm 4-5 12"
970 CDC 248 Half Doll, Edwardia German w/Legs $18.00 Wire/ClothPainted 3" 10"
843 Seeley S655 Half Doll, Fifi $10.00  Painted Painted  
865 SP-01 Half Doll, Flora $20.00  Painted Painted  
865b SP-01b Half Doll, Flora Standing Legs $12.00  Painted Painted  
973 CDC 521 Half Doll, French Bulldog "Drummond" $8.00 PincushionPainted Painted 3"
842a Seeley S651 Half Doll, Googly $8.00 PincushionPainted Painted 2"
642 B-M480 Half Doll, Grey haired Lady $10.00  Painted Painted 4"
348 B-M 582 Half Doll, Hand Over Heart $10.00 Pincushion Painted Painted 4"
347 B-M 581 Half Doll, Holding Bonnet $10.00 Pincushion Painted Painted 3"
121 J. Wolf Half Doll, Jeannine, Arms Away $16.00 Pincushion Painted 2-2 4"
862 Heinz HC-7096 Half Doll, Josephine Baker $16.00 Pincushion Painted Painted 2.75"
853a CDC 447 Half Doll, Julia (Head) $5.00 Pincushion     1"
842 Seeley S651 Half Doll, Lady $10.00 Pincushion      
183 Seeley 650 Half Doll, Lady w/Fan w. legs $16.00 Pincushion Painted Painted 2.75"
183a Seeley 650 Half Doll, Lady w/Hat & Rose w. legs $16.00 Pincushion Painted Painted 3.25"
871 Byron 637 Half Doll, Lady w/Dog $16.00 Pincushion      
853b CDC 447 Half Doll, Little Kitty $3.00 Pincushion     1 1/8"
807 Seeley S657 Half Doll, Lulu w/Legs $16.00 Pincushion Painted Painted 8"
743 CDC503 Half Doll, Pierrette w/Fan $12.00 Pincushion     2.75"
977 L235 Half Doll, Matilda $12.00       3.25"
740 CDC475 Half Doll, Miss Liberty $18.00 Pincushion     3.5"
868 LY-01 Half Doll, Paris w/Dog $12.00 Pincushion Painted    
719 Seeley 656 Half Doll, Pierrot(2 Styles sold individually $8.00        
742 CDC502 Half Doll, PJ w.Arms Away $18.00   Painted Painted 3.75"
704 CDC448 Half Doll, Rachel, German Bisque $14.00 Cloth Painted Painted 2.5"
900 CDC459 Half Doll, Sally $20.00 Cloth Painted Painted  
975 LY51 Half Doll, Scarlett $10.00       4"
974a LY32 Half Doll, Sitting Legs $8.00       3"
852a CDC 493 Half Doll, Snuffy the Cat $3.00 Pincushion     1"
980 DAG 201 Half Doll, Southern Belle $12.00       4"
978 L245 Half Doll, Suzanne $12.00       3"
853 CDC 447 Half Doll, Tiny Tim $6.00 Pincushion     2.5"
349 B-M 584 Half Doll, Tipped Hat & Laced Bodice $10.00 Pincushion Painted Painted 4"
852b CDC 493 Half Doll, Tootsie the Flapper $8.00 Pincushion     2 3/8"
979 L234 Half Doll, Vivienne $12.00       3.5"
852 CDC 493 Half Doll, Whinnie the Witch $5.00 Pincushion     1 7/8"